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This panel took place on Feb 18, 2021.

Timber Management and Prescribed Fire

How can we best use fire in sites with timber management objectives?

Our panel

Joe Marschall

Joe Marschall

Joe serves as coordinator for the Oak Woodlands & Forests Fire Consortium.

Dan Heggenstaller

Dan Heggenstaller

Dan is an Assistant Regional Forester with Pennsylvania Game Commission tasked with overseeing forest habitat management on State Game Lands in north-central PA. Dan works with biologists and other land managers to plan and implement a range of projects from commercial timber sales to oak woodland restoration. He has experience incorporating fire into the oak silvicultural sequence in a landscape and market environment unfamiliar with burning.

Jan Wiedenbeck

Jan Wiedenbeck

Jan is a Research Forest Products Technologist and Project Leader with the Northern Research Station and is based in Princeton, West Virginia. The research unit she leads has science labs in southern and northern WV, northwest PA, and south-central OH and management responsibilities for the Fernow, Kane, and Vinton Furnace Experimental Forests. Her current research focus is on how silvicultural treatments, in particular prescribed burning, impact hardwood tree, log, and lumber quality and value.

Shawn Maijala

Shawn Maijala

Shawn is a Supervisory Forester with the Mark Twain National Forest in southern Missouri. He shares responsibilities for timber sale prep, design, and implementation on the Eleven Point and Poplar Bluff Ranger Districts in the heart of the Mark Twain's historic pine forests. Restoration efforts have been ongoing for over a decade, through a combination of silvicultural and prescribed fire treatments to provide the structure, composition, and function of natural shortleaf pine communities.

Dan Dey

Dan Dey

Dr. Dey is a Project Leader/Research Forester for the US Forest Service Northern Research Station in Columbia, MO. Dan researches eastern forests through documenting fire history and studies on fire ecology and silviculture to sustain fire dependent forests and restore oak-pine woodlands and savannas. Previously, he was a researcher for the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and the Missouri Dept. of Conservation and a forester on the Tongass and Nez Perce National Forests.


Panel 4

Resources and publications

Brose, P.; Van Lear, D. 1999. Effects of Seasonal Prescribed Fires on Residual Overstory Trees in Oak-Dominated Shelterwood Stands. Southern Journal of Applied Forestry. 23(2): 88–93.


Marschall, J.M.; Guyette, R.P.; Stambaugh, M.C.; Stevenson, A.P. 2014. Fire damage effects on red oak timber product value. Forest Ecology and Management. 320: 182–189.


Knapp, Benjamin O.; Marschall, Joseph M.; Stambaugh, Michael C. 2017. Effects of long-term prescribed burning on timber value in hardwood forests of the Missouri Ozarks. In: Kabrick, John M.; Dey, Daniel C.; Knapp, Benjamin O.; Larsen, David R.; Shifley, Stephen R.; Stelzer, Henry E., eds. Proceedings of the 20th Central Hardwood Forest Conference; 2016 March 28-April 1; Columbia, MO. General Technical Report NRS-P-167. Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station: 304-313.


Stambaugh, Michael C.; Smith, Kevin T.; Dey, Daniel C. 2017. Fire scar growth and closure rates in white oak (Quercus alba) and the implications for prescribed burning. Forest Ecology and Management. 391: 396-403.


Dey, Daniel; Schweitzer, Callie. 2018. A Review on the Dynamics of Prescribed Fire, Tree Mortality, and Injury in Managing Oak Natural Communities to Minimize Economic Loss in North America. Forests. 9(8): 461. 22 p.


Stanis, Shannon; Wiedenbeck, Jan; Saunders, Mike R. 2019. Effect of Prescribed Fire on Timber Volume and Grade in the Hoosier National Forest. Forest Science. 65(6): 714-724.


Mann, David P; Wiedenbeck, Jan K; Dey, Daniel C; Saunders, Mike R. 2020. Evaluating Economic Impacts of Prescribed Fire in the Central Hardwood Region. Journal of Forestry. 118(3): 275-288.


Dey, Daniel C. 2014. Sustaining oak forests in eastern North America: regeneration and recruitment, the pillars of sustainability. Forest Science. 60(5): 926-942.

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