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This panel took place on Jan 21, 2021.

Fire and a Changing Climate

Can we use climate predictions to plan future fire management and research? How are we adapting now?

Our panel

Jen Bunty

Jen Bunty

Jen is the Public Info Coordinator for the Consortium of Appalachian Fire Managers & Scientists, one of 15 regional knowledge exchanges under the Joint Fire Science Program. Her background is in population ecology and science delivery. She works to connect fire researchers with natural resource managers and the public through publications, workshops, websites, social media, and educational trails.

Leslie Brandt

Leslie Brandt

Leslie is the regional climate change coordinator for the Eastern Regions of the US Forest Service and a climate change specialist with the Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science and the U.S. Forest Service. She works on climate change adaptation and outreach for natural resource managers. Her areas of focus include urban forestry, Central Hardwoods Forests, and recreation.

Will Flatley

Will Flatley

Will is an Assistant Professor of Geography at the University of Central Arkansas and an Adjunct Professor in the School of Forestry at Northern Arizona University. He is a biogeographer with research interests in forest ecology, fire ecology, and the development of forest management approaches that mitigate negative climate change impacts. His research incorporates tree rings, geospatial analysis, and landscape simulation modeling.

Erin Lane

Erin Lane

Erin works for the USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station. She coordinates both the USDA Northeast Climate Hub and the North Atlantic Fire Science Exchange. Erin's career, based in firefighting and fire ecology, has recently shifted to focus on climate change. Erin is passionate about collaboration and applying science to find solutions to management issues on working lands. Her current research is about sequestering soil carbon.

Rob Klein

Rob Klein

Rob is a Fire Ecologist for the National Park Service based out of Great Smoky Mountains National Park, and a member of the NPS Wildland Fire Program's Climate Change Working Group. He has collaborated with numerous researchers. His work on climate change includes participating in an NPS wildland fire/climate policy review, review of modeling outputs for vegetation community change related to climate, and summarizing the state of the knowledge regarding climate impacts for park managers.


Panel 3
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Copyright © 2021 Consortium of Appalachian Fire Managers & Scientists and North Atlantic Fire Science Exchange

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